Original Music Video :Never Say Never

Never Say Never

Original Music Video by Xin CHEN

→《Never Say Never》 MV URL: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTA5MDk5Mzc2.html

 → Documentary short film of Never Say Never URL: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTA5MTE3NTMy.html

    As the director, here I present my first MV Never Say Never (by Justin Bieber, Canadianpop R&B singer). The story tells about a girl pursuing her dancing dream. Inthe beginning, she works in a company where her talents and hard work never getappreciated. She finally makes the decision to quit the job and pursue herlong-lost dream – DANCE. She practices reallyhard and goes for auditions. At the end, she meets a boss who sees her potentialsand wins an ideal job offer.  


    The leading actress Ms. Yafei Hong is a friendI made during university. She was trained in dancing since very young and hadjoined many dance competitions. However, she gave dancing up quite long ago dueto many reasons. After she told me her story, I had the idea of creating thisMV and invited her to join the filmmaking as the leading actress. Maybe herdancing in this MV wasn’tperfect, but our team was touched that her long-lost dream was rekindled. Takea look at our lives, many young people are struggling to fit the REAL world whilelosing their dreams. By presenting this MV, I also want to express my supportsand encouragements to those who still protect their dreams. I wish everyone overcomesobstacles that get in the way, and live your dreams!


Director                          Xin CHEN

Leading actress              Yafei HONG

Previous boss                 Jianyin CHEN

New boss                        Chaoyang ZENG

Singing performance     Xin CHEN

                                        Zihao LIU

Scriptwriter                    Xin CHEN

                                        Huiling LI

Camera operator            Xin CHEN

                                        Meili YAN

                                        Mengyuan LIN

                                        Feifei Lin

                                        Huiling LI

Video post                      Xin CHEN

                                        Meili YAN

                                        Feifei Lin

Instructor                        Sixi CHEN

Specialthanks to Chuhuan CHEN

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